As a charitable incorporated organisation, 100% of our income is raised through donations, sponsorship, grants, and funding. As a non-profit organisation, all the money we raise, is put directly back into the development and facilitation of Wolds Pride. Without this support, we become financially restricted, resulting in less opportunities we can offer for our community.
There are multiple ways you can donate to Wolds Pride:
Donate at our events: during all our events, there will be the option to donate should you be in a position to do.
Co-operative Local Community Fund: did you know you can support us every single time you shop? Visit coop.co.uk/membership and select Wolds Pride as your local charity. Every pound you spend results in a donation to our cause.
Sponsor us: we offer various sponsorship packages, each of which come with numerous benefits. To find our more, email woldsprideofficial@outlook.com for a copy of our sponsorship packages.